La mission du CÉSOC est d’appuyer le développement économique et sociocommunautaire des membres de la communauté francophone issue de l’immigration, de la minorité raciale et ethnoculturelle francophone (MREF).
Programme d’Appui à la Réinstallation (PAR).
Agents d’établissement.
Philippe Dieudonne
The mission of the CÉSOC is to support the economic and socio-community development of members of the Francophone community of immigrant origin, of the Francophone racial and ethnocultural minority (MREF), by creating tools, promoting rights, and delivery of services, to facilitate racial and cultural harmony by promoting a multicultural Francophonie, to ensure the defense and promotion of the rights of the Francophone racial and ethnocultural minority, but also of the Francophonie as a whole.
Address: 600 McConnell Avenue, Cornwall, ON, K6H 4M1
Phone number: 613-933-9626
STEP Instructor: Karin Touchette
Guidance Teacher: Kelly-Anne Long
Guidance Office Assistant: Amanda Quesnel